Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees, Lumina Foundation, Workforce Matters and The Annie E. Casey Foundation are partnering to host a one-and-a-half day funder workshop to identify opportunities for philanthropy to be inclusive of the immigrant worker perspective in “future of work” strategies. The mission of the October 3rd-4th event in San Francisco is to build an innovative, equity-based, and immigrant worker-centered platform of recommendations for grantmakers developing and implementing strategies and supports for workers and their families in response to the transformation of work. For more information, please contact Melissa Nop at GCIR.
blog posts convening guest post Native Nations and Communities Uncategorized
Workforce Development in Native Nations and Communities: Closing Philanthropy’s Knowledge and Action Gap
At this spring’s “Further Together” conference, Workforce Matters held a lunch plenary session titled “Supporting Self-Determination & Workforce Development in Native Nations and Indian Country.” Moderated by Natasha Hale (Navajo), the panel featured Native workforce Read more…