Workforce Matters was well-represented at the National Fund for Workforce Solutions' recent national convening, SHIFT the Future of Workforce. Co-director Loh-Sze Leung shared about our Fund for Workforce Equity on a panel organized by the WES Mariam Assefa Fund, a supporting member and Fund contributor. Panelists included Rachel Lipson, Harvard Project on Workforce; Andrea Plaza, Encuentro; and Luis Sandoval, Building Skills Partnership. Meanwhile, Jen Racho, a steering committee member and program officer at the Northwest Area Foundation, moderated a panel focused on workforce development in Native Nations and Communities featuring Kelly Drummer (Oglala Lakota) from MIGIZI and Martin Jennings (Leech Lake Band of Ojibwe) from the Northwest Indian Community Development Center. Finally, we were able to host our first networking dinner in three years, bringing together Workforce Matters members from Hawai'i, Washington, Texas, Minnesota, and New York for conversation and good food. We're looking forward to seeing more members at our upcoming Further Together convening next month in DC!
blog posts workforce policy
2024 Workforce Policy Wrap-Up with the Employment and Training Administration
Last month, Workforce Matters hosted an end-of-year workforce policy briefing with staff from the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration (ETA) to receive updates on ETA’s most recent investments about which philanthropic partners Read more…