Facing Federal Funding Uncertainty: Updates and Next Steps for Workforce Matters Members 

As our members are aware, the Trump Administration’s actions this week around federal funding assistance have caused no small amount of disruption and confusion across the country. A funding freeze communicated via a memo from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) on January 27 had the potential to impact Read more…

2024 Workforce Policy Wrap-Up with the Employment and Training Administration

Last month, Workforce Matters hosted an end-of-year workforce policy briefing with staff from the U.S. Department of Labor’s Employment and Training Administration (ETA) to receive updates on ETA’s most recent investments about which philanthropic partners may want to inform their grantees and community partners. Highlights from the conversation are included Read more…

SHIFTing the Workforce through investments in Native and Tribal Led Communities 

Recapping our time at the SHIFT Conference In September, members of the Workforce Matters team joined hundreds of workforce leaders and practitioners in Memphis, Tennessee to participate in the SHIFT Conference hosted by the National Fund for Workforce Solutions (NFWS). Together with peers from around the country, we laughed, danced, Read more…

Championing Workforce Inclusion: Investing in Opportunities for Workers and Learners with Disabilities

In honor of National Disability Employment Awareness Month this October, Workforce Matters asked two of our members, Elaine Katz from the Kessler Foundation and Tuquan Harrison from the James Irvine Foundation, to briefly share about their work to invest in and advance opportunities for workers and learners with disabilities.  People Read more…

Webinar Recap: Deferred Action for Labor Enforcement (DALE) with USDOL Acting Secretary Julie Su 

On Aug 12, 2024, Funders for a Just Economy, Workforce Matters, Ford Foundation, Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees, Chicagoland Workforce Funders Alliance, Raise the Floor Alliance, Arriba Las Vegas, Warehouse Workers for Justice, and the International Association of Bridge Structural Ornamental and Reinforcing Iron Workers co-sponsored an educational webinar Read more…

Workforce Grantmaking in Native Nations and Communities Awards Inaugural Funding

Over $500,000 awarded to organizations from across the country to support workers and learners in Native nations and communities The Workforce Grantmaking in Native Nations and Communities Initiative, a new initiative spearheaded by Workforce Matters, announced eight funding recipients who will each receive funding of up to $70,000 to implement Read more…

Workforce Development in Native Nations and Communities: Closing Philanthropy’s Knowledge and Action Gap

At this spring’s “Further Together” conference, Workforce Matters held a lunch plenary session titled “Supporting Self-Determination & Workforce Development in Native Nations and Indian Country.”  Moderated by Natasha Hale (Navajo), the panel featured Native workforce development practitioners Kelly Drummer (Oglala Lakota), President, MIGIZI Communications, Ryan Howard (Bishop Paiute), Executive Director, Read more…

Learnings from Further Together: Disability Justice in the Workplace – Empowering Voices, Advancing Inclusion

In this week’s post from Further Together, we’re sharing takeaways and resources from our breakout session on “Disability Justice in the Workplace – Empowering Voices, Advancing Inclusion.” The session featured panelists Kevin Webb of Mitsubishi Electric America Foundation and Luticha Andre Doucette of Catalyst Consulting Associates, with moderator Elaine Katz Read more…

Learnings from Further Together: New Opportunities to Advance Equity in Apprenticeship

The week of May 5-11, 2024 is  National Youth Apprenticeship Week, during which public and private sector partners across the country recognize and highlight the benefits and value of Registered Apprenticeship program opportunities for youth ages 16–24.  We thought it a fitting time to share some takeaways and resources from Read more…