Tell us a little bit about your background and why you joined Workforce Matters
I’ve been working in the field of workforce development for over a decade and in the last five years, I’ve focused specifically on the intersection of workforce development and racial justice. I initally entered this field as a mental health counselor with an interest in helping people discover and rediscover their gifts and talents and quickly became a passionate advocate for all things workforce development. After seven years of direct services, I transitioned to an intermediary capacity where I provided support to direct service practitioners through innovative grantmaking, communities of practice, technical assistance and access to tools and resources aimed at helping workforce practitioners in Baltimore and around the country understand what racial equity is and why it’s relevant to workforce development. It was through this capacity that I was introduced to Workforce Matters and I quickly became a believer in its mission and its work. I firmly believe that the field of workforce development is uniquely positioned to shift the work and learn ecosystem into one that is equitable and just for all people and specifically for People of Color. Grantmakers and Philanthropic serving organizations like Workforce Matters have the opportunity to play a special role in supporting an equitable economy and for this reason I love the idea of being a part of this type of community.
What is something people might not know about you?
In addition to working as a consultant at the intersection of workforce development and racial justice, I am currently in Seminary pursuing a Master’s of Divinity and ordination in the Lutheran church (Evangelical Lutheran Church of America) and I currently serve as a Pastoral Intern at a church in Boulder, Colorado. My commitment to justice and equity is informed and influenced by my faith personally and professionally!
What is something you are looking forward to in 2023?
I am really excited about working more closely with Workforce Matters and its network to continue to advance the work of equity and justice in workforce development! On a personal note, I’m looking forward to creating more memories with my children this year!