In 2017, the Steering Committee of Workforce Matters took a step back from business-as-usual and launched our multi-year, ongoing racial equity journal. Since that time, we've convened several working groups, revamping our Mission and Vision, hosted a series of webinars featuring a race-explicit examination of workforce policies and practices, released a A Racial Equity Framework for Workforce Development Funders, collaborated with Associated Black Charities on the Advancing Racial Equity in Workforce Development initiative, hosted a Twitter Chat, and convened a series of "Learning Labs" that have provided a space for more than 50 grantmakers to come together to support one another and jointly learn about workforce equity.

Over the course of all of this activity, we've come across countless valuable resources that have helped to inform our work and provide insights and ideas for our members. With the help of our Learning Labs facilitator and long-time collaborator, Clair Minson, we've compiled those resources in a Padlet in the hopes that they might also be useful to you and your colleagues.

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