02/12/20 Webinar: Integrating Racial Equity, Workforce Benchmarking, and Capacity Building: A Case Study

February 12, 2020 Looking for concrete ways to connect racial equity with improving workforce outcomes? Interested in building the data disaggregation and analysis capacity of your workforce grantees?  Join Workforce Matters, Philadelphia JOIN, Corporation for a Skilled Workforce, and Government Alliance for Race and Equity (GARE) for a conversation about how Read more…

11/21/19 Webinar: Career Academies and Work-Based Learning

Career Academies and Real-World Learning Experiences Thursday, November 21st 3 pm ET Building on a site visit our Apprenticeship and Work-Based Learning learning network made to the Racine Academies in May 2019, we’ve structured a follow-up learning opportunity for grantmakers interested in learning more about the Career Academy model. High school Read more…

11/06/19 Event: Employer Practices Convening

Is your foundation investing in strategies to launch, accelerate, strengthen, or scale projects that help employers update their recruitment, hiring, on-boarding, retention, and advancement practices? Workforce Matters will be convening a small group of our Employer Practices Learning Network members and other grantmakers for a funder-to-funder conversation about lessons learned and anticipated Read more…

10/03/19 – 10/04/19 Event: The Future of Work and The Immigrant Workforce

Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees, Lumina Foundation, Workforce Matters and The Annie E. Casey Foundation are partnering to host a one-and-a-half day funder workshop to identify opportunities for philanthropy to be inclusive of the immigrant worker perspective in “future of work” strategies.  The mission of the October 3rd-4th event in San Francisco Read more…

05/20/19-05/22/19 Event: Wisconsin Youth Apprenticeship Funder Learning Tour

You’re invited to join Workforce Matters May 20th through 22nd in Milwaukee, Wisconsin for a free Funders Learning Tour. Wisconsin is home to the oldest system of Registered Apprenticeship in the nation and one of the oldest state youth apprenticeship programs. On this site visit, participants will have the opportunity to explore the history, Read more…