Supporting Native Workforce Development: A Guide for Funders
Learn more about the Funders Guide from our Workforce Grantmaking in Native Nations and Communities initiative and view related resources:
Strengthening WIOA Section 166: Indian Country's Policy Priorities
The following policy priorities seek to strengthen the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) – namely Section 166 of the Act.
With support from Workforce Matters and its Workforce Grantmaking in Native Nations and Communities initiative, these priorities were developed by Native workforce development leaders and practitioners from across the U.S. through an iterative process that included a focused discussion at the 2023 National Indian and Native American Employment and Training Conference.
Resource Collection: Affirmative Action Resources for Workforce Grantmakers
Since the Supreme Court rulings in June 2023, we have gathered a set of resources for workforce grantmakers that cover the implications of the ruling for higher education, the workplace, philanthropy, and more.
Resource Collection: Workforce Matters Racial Equity Resources Hub
Over the course of several years, we've come across countless valuable resources that have helped to inform our racial equity work and provide insights and ideas for our members. With the help of our Learning Labs facilitator and long-time collaborator, Clair Minson, we've compiled those resources in a Padlet in the hopes that they might also be useful to you and your colleagues.
Resource Collection: Income Share Agreements + Career Impact Bonds
We compiled the information we collected from a recent scan in a Padlet, where you'll find links to additional background information, sample ISA and CIB funds and initiatives, as well as research + analysis reflecting on equity concerns, regulatory issues, and program design considerations.

Workforce 101: Infrastructure of the Public Workforce System
A brief, introductory overview of the US public workforce system published in Spring 2021.

Stretching Dollars, Growing Impact: A Workforce Funder’s Guide to Leveraging Public Funding
Drawing on the insights and experience of Workforce Matters members, this eight-page guide outlines a range of strategies that grantmakers can use to extend the reach and amplify the impact of public workforce investments.

A Racial Equity Framework for Workforce Development Funders
Developed in collaboration with a working group of our members, this new Framework is intended to identify concrete ways for funders in the workforce development field to interrupt the systemic racism embedded within the field’s practices, policies, and programs; the institution of philanthropy; our own organizations; and the labor market in communities we serve.